Does anyone know of an insurance that is affordable for infants?

Does anyone know of an insurance that is affordable for infants? has anyone heard of Unicare?
We are paying over 200 right now and barley making it

Answer :
I would look into state or government issued insurance. I believe each state has its own "plan." Medicaid will also more than likely pay for your child. There is another government policy called CHIP (children's health insurance policy), you can qualify if you do NOT qualify for medicaid. I personally would not go with Unicare, I had Unicare. I can not speak for the childs insurance policy, but they were one of the worst insurance companies! Even their customer service was horrible. Deductibles and premiums were extremely too high and even after that, they refused to cover anything! You can go to your state's website and it should give you more information on services that are available to you
Source :

Related to unicare :

Provides life and health plans for individuals and businesses.
Lloyds Pharmacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The company also has pharmacies in Ireland, that trade as "Unicare Pharmacy" ... Unicare Pharmacy. AAH Pharmaceuticals ...

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What is the best health insurance and life insurance policies to go with?

What is the best health insurance and life insurance policies to go with?
I am recently out of the military and need to purchase an individual health ins policy. However, I am not sure which ones are the best. I am a student, do they offer any good student policies? Also, is the SGLI to VGLI conversion a good change to make? If not, which is better term or whole life insurance policies?

Is there anyone could help me ?

Can you get Health Insurance after getting Breast Implants?

Can you get Health Insurance after getting Breast Implants?
I read somewhere that health insurance co. dont provide coverage to woman with breast implants due to the complications that implants cause over time, like breast cancer, lung cancer, or any other complications that they might want to blame on the implants, If you have had implants for some time now, let me know if you have Health insurance, and if you ever had a problem with getting anything done that insurance didnt want to pay for.

Answer :
The coverage will depend upon the insurance company, your state of residence, the reason you got the implants, how long ago the procedure was done, and if there have been any complications since. Some companies in my state won\'t take you if it\'s been less than 1 year. Some companies will rider the implants, which means they\'ll cover you for everything except the implants or anything resulting from the implants. Some companies will increase the premium but still cover you, while other will accept you with no conditions. You\'ll want to visit a local independent agent. The agent can find out which companies in your area will be best for you. The plans and premiums are exactly the same whether you use an agent or not. If you try to get a policy over the internet you will have no idea what the insurance company will do.
Source :

Related to breast implants :

Urban Dict - Breast Implants
saturday\'s word is Wait, shit. breast implants. breast implants, often silicon or saline. ... breast implants and my figure has completely changed! Breast ...
Breast implant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Breast implants) Jump to: navigation, search ... Several alternative types of breast implants had been developed, such as ...
Breast implant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Breast implants) Jump to: navigation, search ... Several alternative types of breast implants had been developed, such as ...

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